MATH 107

Elementary Statistics
Fall 2016

Prof. Adam Loy

R Help Sessions:
Mon., Wed., Thurs. 7:30-8:30 pm
Stats Lab: 421 Briggs

Commonly Used Resources for Math 107


Piazza is a platform where we can post announcements, have discussions, and ask questions. Please use Piazza to ask content questions that you would generally ask via email. This will help out other students who have the same question, and a classmate may be able to answer your question more quickly than I can.


Moodle is where I will post grades and reading/viewing quizzes.

LU's RStudio Server

If you are connected to LU's network, then you can use the RStudio server rather than installing R and RStudio on your personal computer. The login page is

R Tutorials

I maintain all of the R tutorials used for this class. Some folks may find this easier to navigate than the calendar view maintained on this course site.